Monday, February 23, 2009

Somniare est Terrēre (I)

All right also. A place to document dreams. Because everyone knows how much fun THOSE are.

Last week I had a dream that I was a chaperone on a retreat for my school. Three sets of couples (one of which is a very untrue and unlikely couple) from my classes decided to all sleep in the same room, and the principal of our school (I'll call her "Mrs. M") found the unlikely couple acting inappropriately. She yelled and screamed and put them under my care. I said to them, "Well, you're teenagers," and proceeded to apply glittery eyeshadow on them (the boy and the girl, yes. I told the boy it made him look more like David Bowie). Then after a few minutes the principal came out wearing nothing but shorts and a sports bra, but having painted her entire body in wild colors and geometric patterns. She exclaimed, "This is what happens when you go wild in high school!!" and danced around. Then she settled down and played an Adam Sandler song on the guitar, making sure to say "But I'm not Adam Sandler!"

Last night I had a dream that T.J. was telling me how much he hated my friend Joe, and then suddenly Joe walked up wearing velvet pants and a very silly wig. I said, "Joe, you'd never believe it! We were just talking...." and T.J. clamped his hand over my mouth and said "NO!" Joe took his wig off and got into a car and left. Then I had to stop TJ from throwing beer cans at a local crucifixion reenactment...

There's not much else that can be said about that.

P.S. "Somniare est Terrēre": To dream is to be terrified

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